Monday, January 18, 2021

2007 - THE KINGDOM, watchout Middle East terrorists here come the good guys.

A nice schizo action film.  The Kingdom starts out with a short history lesson about the United States government's screw ups over the many years in dealing with the Middle East all in the name of oil.  It puts the viewer in the mood for perhaps a fairly honest appraisal of yet another US foreign policy disaster.

However after that lecture,  we jump into the action. At an American housing compound built by an oil company,  terrorists set off a bomb.  This brings in the FBI's crack bomb investigation team.  They have to put together what happened and who did it.  Since this is a film directed by Peter Berg a man who apparently has to much iron in his diet, the violence commences.

The action scenes are well staged with the usual shaky camera style that is so popular these days.  The cast beginning with Jamie Foxx, Jason Batemen, Chris Cooper and Jennifer Garner (in the role of the girl, because there always has to be a girl) is OK.

The film is ultimately a rather pointless mess.  It can't decide if it should be sympathetic to the situation in the Middle East or just another shoot em up.  Guess what prevails.

The film was written by Matthew Michael Carnahan  and runs 109 minutes.

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