Thursday, September 1, 2016

1958 - TEACHER'S PET, a romantic comedy which isn't a romantic comedy

A very weird romantic comedy.  A veteran newspaper editor finds himself in a college class with a professor of journalism.  It's one of those mistaken identity plot devices so beloved by Hollywood screenwriters.  Naturally the two of them clash when it comes to their views on journalism.  At this point in the film, the repressed sexual chemistry between the two leads should pretty much dictate where this story is heading, but something strange happens.  The film turns into a lecture on the ethics and professionalism of the newspaper business.  Not a love scene in sight for the rest of the film.

The actors are Clark Gable and Doris Day.  The assumption for the viewer would be that this is going to be one of those icky May/December romantic things but no.  Instead we get endless discussions about integrity and ethics pretty boring stuff, especially with a run time of two hours.

For a veteran actor, Clark Gable mugs shamelessly throughout the picture.  Doris Day plays her typical character, the uptight career girl who needs a good man to straighten her out.  The two leads don't really seem to have any chemistry between them.

The film was directed by an old Hollywood pro George Seaton who clearly had more deep thoughts on his mind then just filming a romantic comedy.

120 minutes.

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