Saturday, May 24, 2014

1969 - AGE OF CONSENT, Michael Powell's final feature film

Michael Powell's final film is probably remembered for Helen Mirren's topless scenes.  Mirren is an actor who apparently never had a problem undressing for the camera.  But Powell was too much of an artist who I doubt was interested in filming nude scenes of Helen Mirren just for the sake of it.  

It appears that Powell and James Mason the actor/producer of Age of Consent were interested in exploring the emotional state of a successful painter who is trying to stay relevant and meaningful to his work.

Apparently Powell and Mason's solution to this artistic crisis is to have the painter Bradley Morahan take up residence on a South Pacific island which just happens to have a young buxom blonde girl running and swimming around half nude a lot of the time.  Let's face it the script for this film is not so hot.

Age of Consent isn't a total failure.  It has beautiful photography of The Great Barrier Reef and certain scenes in the film do have some of that old Michael Powell touch.  It sure could have done without the comedy relief that Mason insisted that Powell stick into the film.

106 minutes, written by Peter Yeldham.

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