Saturday, May 19, 2012

2012 - JOHN CARTER is awful

Let me first say that John Carter is based on A Princess of Mars, an Edgar Rice Burroughs book that I have tried reading at least three times.  This book is so bad with it's clunky plotting and terrible dialog it is virtually unreadable so why not spend 250 million dollars to make a film out of it.

The amazing thing about this film is that nobody bothered to look at the script that the director Andrew Standon wrote with Michael Chabon.  Had someone actually read this garbage they would have realized this story made absolutely no sense.  The more troubling aspect to this film is that everyone read the script and still let Andrew Stanton make this film.  John Carter is a film that does not make one lick of sense and for an action film is overloaded with boring talk and exposition. 

The director Andrew Stanton is a highly regarded member of the Pixar team who had been a part of almost every successful Pixar film in one capacity or another.  It's hard to believe he made this film, it's like his ability to put together a good film completely abandoned him with John Carter.

This is the film that caused the head of Walt Disney studios to be fired which seems like justice well deserved for inflicting this junk on the public.

The only good thing about John Carter is the woman playing the martian princess who is very easy on the eyes.

132 minutes.

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