Saturday, February 4, 2012

2008 - INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL not good not bad not anything

Expectations were so high for this film it was bound to disappoint.  Watching the latest Indiana Jones film three years after the film was released it looks more like an over produced B movie from Universal studios than an adventure epic.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a letdown mostly because it just replays stuff from the previous films.  Almost every scene in the film is a direct quote from the first and second films.  You get the icky bug stuff, the big fight with a real tough guy stuff, the mystical stuff, the face melting stuff etc.  Even the space aliens at the end look like the outer space visitors from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Frankly all this quoting from the old films gets kind of tiresome.  Sean Connery passed on this film so they killed his character off.  Denholm Elliot who played Professor Marcus had passed away so there is a reference to his dying.  At least the Bond series waiting until their 20th film to pat themselves on the back with this kind of self styled ass kissing.

The action scenes are in the usual Spielberg style which is looking pretty dated these days especially when you overlay a typical John Williams score on top of them.  

The main problem with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is that it looks old fashioned and kind of out of it.  It's  been close to 30 years since the first film came out.  Movie audiences have moved on from this kind of film.  Indiana Jones needed to reinvent itself like the James Bond and Batman films have. 

The film is also way too long.

122 minutes

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