Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1968 - AMBLIN' early Spielberg film is kind of an ordeal to sit through

Steven Spielberg's early short film about a couple of hitchhikers in the desert.  The story what there is of it is entirely silent. 

Spielberg says he has great affection for Amblin' and why wouldn't he.  The film was seen by executives at Universal Studios and on the basis of it he was offered a job directing television shows for the studio.  The rest as they say is etc.

This isn't just any early short film by a future big name director.  It was shot in 35 millimeter and had Allen Daviau the cinematographer who would go on to film E.T. and The Color Purple for Spielberg.  It's a highly polished piece of movie making.  This is also a very slick piece of product, without an honest moment in the entire film.

Amblin' is the beginning of Spielberg the director as provider of commercial junk like, Hook, Jurassic Park:  The Lost World, Always, The Terminal and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

For every Schindler's List, the public is expected to sit through something like The Terminal or Amblin'.

26 minutes, written by Steven Spielberg.

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