Thursday, June 23, 2011

1969 - EAGLES OVER LONDON, is a fascinating Italian World War II film

Crazed World War II film from the Italians.  The film is full of improbable plot situations, lots of action and American actor Van Johnson as a British Field Marshall.

A bunch of German agents have snuck into London right before the Battle of Britain,  The plan is to sabotage England's radar network and catch the Limey's off guard. To the rescue come Van and Frederick Stafford the guy from Hitchcock's Topaz

Eagles Over London is a typical Castellari film, good action and stunt work mixed with liberal amounts of cheesy Italian plotting.  For an Italian rip off of a typical American World War II film it's very well done.  The editing on some of the action scenes is fascinating with Castellari using an interesting split screen effect mixing actual war footage with stock footage and stuff he shot for the film.

The film is actually a lot of fun and the mix and match of all the different nationalities in the cast is a signal that none of this is to be taken very seriously.  The actor Frederick Stafford is a good looking guy but as stiff as a board.  Van Johnson doesn't even bother with a British accent, the rest of the cast is the usual bunch of intense and volatile Italian actors.

104 minutes,written by Tito Carpi, Vincenzo Flamini, Jose Luis Martinez Molla, Enzo G. Castellari and Gilles Dumoulin.  That's a lot of writers for this kind of film.

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