Sunday, February 27, 2011

1941 - THE WOLF MAN, classic Universal horror film is pretty lame

The Wolf Man probably has a higher reputation than it deserves.  This is mostly bargain basement Universal horror movie stuff with a better cast than usual which really doesn't help the case.

Pretty standard stuff, Lon Chaney Jr. is bitten by Bela Lugosi playing a gypsy with a werewolf curse who naturally turns into a werewolf himself.  A lot of time is spent with psychological explanations of Chaney's conditions but all the kids in the theater knew he really was under a curse, blah, blah, blah. blah.

Pretty indifferently made, the direction by George Waggner is strictly by the numbers almost TV style direction.  This isn't surprising considering Waggner finished his career directing lots of TV shows.  The cast does what but they can but it's pretty much a going through the motions kind of film.

The film has a nice foggy atmosphere since it was shot on nice foggy sets with the nice fog making machine they always liked to use at Universal for these things.

71 minutes.

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