Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1962 - GORATH the end of the world is coming lets have a meeting

Gorath is the third in Toho's space trilogy after The Mysterians and Battle in Outer Space. A large planet is detected in outer space the Japanese send a space ship up to check on it, the spaceship promptly crashes into the planet and everyone figures out that the planet is on a collision course for Earth. What to do? Call a meeting.

This film has lots of meetings. Everyone spends the first half of the film meeting with someone else. Lots and lots of talk. Finally at the UN the decision is made to stick giant rocket engines on the South Pole and push the Earth out of the way. This sets up many scenes of Toho models and miniatures being constructed at the South Pole. As the planet Gorath gets closer and the rocket engines are fired, a giant walrus which doesn't appreciate all of the noise shows up.

Ishiro Honda the director made lots of these types of fantasy films and he does appear to be interested in pushing a message of mankind finding the ability to work together for a greater purpose.  But Honda was also a company man as well, so if Toho wanted a giant monster walrus in their movie Toho got a giant monster walrus in their movie.

As with all of these Toho space epics from this period the real comes from watching the model and miniature work of Eiji Tsuburaya and his special effects team.  Everything looks pretty dated now and even back then the model work was very phony looking, but they do give the picture a toy like charm.

89 minutes, written by Takeshi Kimura.

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