Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2008 - THE WRESTLER-It's all about Mickey, it's got good acting

And yet, another movie made to get awards.

Mickey Roarke in Mickey's comeback role plays Mickey as a broken down old wrestler with a bad heart. Marisa Tomei is the lucky actress who gets to be exploited by this director as his stripper friend. Mickey has a daughter he was never a proper father to, and in true movie tradition she has turned into a lesbian who now lives with a black lesbian. After a heart attack Mickey re-appraises Mickey's life and tries to start over. But probably even more frightening for Mickey is that Mickey is relentlessly stalked with a hand held camera and photographed in grainy color.

Things that happen to Mickey:

1. Mickey makes amends with his lesbian daughter.

2. Mickey gets a real job selling deli meat and salads.

3. Mickey tries to get a relationship going with the lap dancer with a heart of gold.

4. Mickey goes shopping for his lesbian daughter.

5. Mickey plays some old video games with a little kid.

6. Mickey hangs out with his old wrestling buddies

7. Mickey takes his lesbian daughter to an old broken down pavilion, where they share an imaginary but touching dance.

In the end this all to no avail. Because Mickey realizes Mickey can't change. Mickey gets back in the ring for the big match, because it's the only life Mickey has ever known. The movie ends with Mickey jumping off the ropes into the ring and landing hopefully on top of the academy award for good acting. The film fades to black and another Bruce Springsteen song blathers on about the working class as the credits scroll

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